domingo, 4 de março de 2012


 Greece: a suicide of "increasing austerity"

The European Association for the Defence of Human Rights (AEDH), the Hellenic League for Human Rights (HLHR) and the French League of Human Rights, (LDH), consider that austerity measures imposed on Greece lead the society to a dramatic and suicidal situation.

More reforms, more economy, more austerity. Mainly more austerity. The message sent to Greece by the European Union, the European Central Bank and the IMF can be summarized up as follows: In order for the Greek government to qualify for the financial aid of 130 billion, it is ordered, roughly, to put in order its house on three levels. First, to ensure that the Greek parliament will approve the new austerity plan, without deliberation. Secondly, to find ways and means to save over 325 million euros, otherwise the Greek economy, already seriously in recession, will be forced to turn finally in another direction. Thirdly, to ensure a formal commitment by the governing parties that they will implement the planned reforms, regrdless of the results of the upcoming national elections. 

This mad race of increasing austerity can only worsen the existing strong economic and social recession in a context of already extremely degraded living conditions of the Greeks. No wonder that this policy goes along with an obligation of "no critique" and with an intention to replace "the government of the people with the administration of things."
In these new circumstances, it is the future of a people and nation that is condemned to underdevelopment, it is the European Union that becomes particularly vulnerable and it is ultimately the European Democracy that is at stake.

AEDH, HLHR and LDH consider that the solutions of the systemic crisis, hitting the euro zone, cannot be reduced to austerity measures, ignoring the economic and social rights as well as the democratic freedoms of people, including their right to elect their representatives and to freely determine their political direction.
In this regard, the Brussels summit, which makes growth and solidarity of non-subjects, is not only disappointing but deeply disturbing. Far from being an encouragement, a positive sign of aEurope attentive to the social emergency and the conditions of an inclusive and sustainable development, it may widen the gap that is growing between the people and the very idea of European construction.

We call for a surge of the European institutions against these policies that lead to a social and economic impasse, undermine the legitimate social rights of the Greek population, as well as all the residents of the European Union who are or will be affected by these suicidal policies of austerity.

The European Association for the Defence of Human Rights (Association Européenne pour la défense des Droits de l’Homme - AEDH) consists of associations and leagues defending human rights in the countries of the European Union. AEDH is an associate member of the International Federation of Human Rights (Fédération internationale pour la défense des droits de l’Homme - FIDH). For more information, visit

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