sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013

YOUR EUROPE, YOU SAY - Carlos Pereira Martins visited Liceu Sá da Bandeira in Santarém

Every year CESE  choses one School  from each of the 27 Member States and invites three students from each of the Schools  to  come to Brussels and  simulate a Plenary Session and approve one Opinion about subjects oriented and related  with Youth people.

  This  year, the School  from Portugal  is Liceu Sá da Bandeira  from  Santarém   a city  around 100  kms  north  from  Lisbon.
This  School  lasts   from   170  years  ago  !

I  went  and  visit  the  School,  today,  the  8th of March,  speaking  to  Students  about  EESC  and  the european  Institutions.

Liceu  Sá  da Bandeira  was  nominated in  2005  by  UNESCO  with  the  award "Young Scientists  for  the  Future"

In the main  entrance  there  is a special  board  with  the  names of the best students  in  the  School.

This  touched  my  deep  because, when  I  was  a   young  student,  I  used  to  be  often  in  this  kind  of  board,  in  my  School

The  ambience  is  amazing,  with  very proper  areas,  open  air  courtyards,  very  nice  old  furniture,  like  a  museum .

 The  chairs  were  made originally  for  the School  with  the  initials  LSB (Liceu Sá da Bandeira)

Here  are  the  three  Students  who  will be  in  the  April Plenary Session,  in  Brussels.
 Diogo Dias, Filipa Cunha  and Miguel Almeida,  and  the  Teacher  Marina Nogueira  and  the  Director  of  the School
 We  spoke  a  lot  about  Europe,  EESC,  the  european  Institutions, and  the  European organized Civil Society.
We  have  seen  a  video  prepared  to   
let  people  know  about  CAIS,  the  portuguese  Institution  of  homeless people  the  was  nominated,  
last  December,  with  the  European  Civil society Prize  of  2012,  proposed  by  myself.

 Some  areas of  Liceu  Sá  da Bandeira,  a  very  nice,  warm  and  comfortable  place  in  Santarém.

 The  library  is  really  a  must  in  this  School.
There,  we can  find  books  dated  from  the  year  1600,  very  unique  pieces  regarding  quality,  rarity  and  writers.

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