sexta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2011

Primeira reunião da Categoria PMEs e Profissões Liberais do Mandato 2010/2015

Group III – SME/Professions/Crafts Category

NOTICE OF MEETINGCategory on SMEs, Crafts and the Professions

Mr Thomas Palmgren (SMEs, Crafts) and Mr Carlos Arberto Pereira Martins (Professions) invite you to attend the meeting of the SMEs, Crafts and the Professions Category to be held at the Committee in the 26th of January at  VM3, Van Merland Building

Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99 — 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel — BELGIQUE/BELGIË
Tel. +32 25469011 — Fax +32 25134893 — Internet:

The draft agenda is as follows:

  1. Short introduction of each Member of the category and presentation of main priorities for the category work for the period 2011-2013.

  1. The European Commission legislative and non legislative agenda for 2011.
  • UEAPME; Representing SMEs and craft org. new priorities by Director Luc Hendrickx

  1. Discussion about some policy priority areas:

  • Small Business Act – how to make it work , European commission review of the SBA

  • Towards a Single Market Act - For a highly competitive social market economy 50 proposals for improving SMEs business environment.

  • Status of the Self employed: contribution to growth and employment within EU 2020 Strategy.

  • Further Priority questions for liberal professions.

  1. General activities

  • A consultative relation with representatives and expert speakers for SMEs in Brussels like UEAPME.
  • A more active dialogue with the group for SME:s in the European Parliament


Confirmation of the presidency of the category.

  1. Any other business

For your information, the 
SME and craft category will meet at least three times per year. Dates, places and themas for the meetings

Working languages:


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