sábado, 7 de junho de 2014

Last friday,  arriving in Lisbon from our plenary Session, as I had already my tickets, I went and see the  Bullfight at Campo Pequeno.

 Campo Pequeno, in Lisboa

I  really like to arrive  very early, because, al the rituals of the entrances, the beginning of the " Tourada", are wonderful

 I have  a  first row seat for all the  year !
If I go, if I do, I like to do  it very well!
" Forados" are  groups of "toureiros"  who  take and immobilize the bull only with their hands and arms. Nothing else to help.

 There are some women, now, a new generation of "Cavaleiros" doing it very well. Here is Ana Baptista.

When the Group of "Forcados" takes the bull.

Once finished the  performance of any "Cavaleiro", the horse man,  forcados have to jump to the arena and take the bull by arms.

When the immobilization is done, "Pega",  the last man of the group  holds the bull by his tail.
 Late,  the cows  come together and join the bll to take it out of the arena. In Spain, they kill the bull in the arena. But it is not allowed , by law, in Portugal.

 Sometimes, is very difficult and the bull WINS !!!!

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