Voo de JFK Nova York
para Londres
Flying the Concorde,
from JFK New York to London
24 de Janeiro
de 1998
January, 24 th, 1998
No dia 24 de Janeiro de 1998, de regresso de Nova York a Londres,
fiz a minha primeira viagem no Concorde, o avião supersónico que,
infelizmente, deixou já de voar devido ao gravíssimo acidente, uns
anos depois, logo após a descolagem do aeroporto de Orly, em Paris,
rumando igualmente a Nova York.
Dirigi-me cedo ao aeroporto de JFK, em
Nova York e recordo-me que
quase não dei pelas formalidades de embarque.
Havia uma sala especial apenas para os passageiros do Concorde e, ali,
tudo lhes era facilitado.
O voo era relativamente cedo e tomei o pequeno almoço, muito bem servido,
nessa sala muito exclusiva, antes de embarcar.
relativamente acanhado.
Muito Moet et Chandon, Don Perignon, muito caviar, mesmo áquela hora
da manhã.
ao local de partida dado que havia um problema técnico.
A demora foi grande, distribuíram telemóveis aos passageiros, o voo não
estava cheio, longe disso, para que pudessem comunicar com quem
pretendessem .
Esperamos pela aterragem do outro avião Concorde que chegou de Londres,
mudamos de avião e fizemos a viagem.
Ofereceram uma pasta para documentos, formato A4 a cada passageiro, um
diploma da British Airways que atestava que o
passageiro tinha voado no Concorde
e uma caneta prateada com o perfil do avião e o nome "Concorde".
Outra surpresa foi que o cockpit, a cabine de pilotagem, não estava separada dos
passageiros por qualquer porta. Havia mesmo um lugar sempre disponiível junto ao
Comandante e piloto para que um passageiro se pudesse sentar e apreciar todo
aquele aparato de luzes e botões.
The 24 th Jnuary 1998, coming back from New York to London, I flew the
Concorde for the very first time, the supersonic plane which, unfortunately, stop
flying some years later in cosequence of the tragic accident taking off from Orly,
in Paris, going to New York.
I early arrived at JFK airport in New York and I remember I just didn't saw those
usual formalities of boarding procedures.
There was a very special and exclusive loung, strictly for Concorde passengers,
and I had a very nice and good breakfast there, as I remember.
On board, after boarding, I had my very firts surprise: the space, inside the plane,
was not so much, it felt, even, a tight place.
A lot of Moet et Chandon champain, some caviar, for everybody.
But, the surprise should be bigger because soon as we left for take off, we had to
move back to the parking place as there was a technical problem.
So, there was a big delay for departure and every passenger received a mobile phone
in order they could communicate with whom they wanted.
We had to wait for the next Concorde coming from london to change the plane.
Every passenger received a nice suit ace and a silver pen with the logo and name of
Concorde and a certificate remembering this flight, as well.
Another surprise for me was the space inboard. Really tight !
And there was no separation between the cockpit and passengers. There was , in fact,
a place for everyone who wants to see those landscape of small lights and instruments, can
spend a few minutes just aside of the Captain and pilot.
I arrived safe and at time to get my next flight in London.
move back to the parking place as there was a technical problem.
So, there was a big delay for departure and every passenger received a mobile phone
in order they could communicate with whom they wanted.
We had to wait for the next Concorde coming from london to change the plane.
Every passenger received a nice suit ace and a silver pen with the logo and name of
Concorde and a certificate remembering this flight, as well.
Another surprise for me was the space inboard. Really tight !
And there was no separation between the cockpit and passengers. There was , in fact,
a place for everyone who wants to see those landscape of small lights and instruments, can
spend a few minutes just aside of the Captain and pilot.
I arrived safe and at time to get my next flight in London.