quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

European Maritime Day 2012 - Gotemborg / Sweden

European Maritime Day - Gotemborg 2012

It has been my second participation on the European Maritime Day, the first one, last year, in Gdansk, Poland,  and this year in Gotemborg, Sweden.

The program included a Conference with the participation of the different stakolders and the Commissioner Maria Darmanaki that took place on monday the 21 st and tuesday the 22 sdn May.

I, myself, have already participate on the very first day, monday, oriented for the participation of the citizens and the Civil Society.
Early morning I arrived at  Elxxxxxx where a lot of ships, boats, marine boats from Denmark and Sweden were open for people visiting and puting questions.

All the area was crouded of people and I have benn introduced to so many entities and public in general, as a EESC Member and really, people put questions about our Institution.
For this, I had the great contribution of some polish friends that were the organizers last year in Gdansk and they remembered me.

It is important to mention the activity, this first day, aside of the Conference, of some ONGs supporting the sustainable grouth and safety of the Planet, the Consummers , the Army and Red Cross International, Port Authorities, Shipyard Owners  and  Fisheries.

Gotemborg is , really, a city oriented to the water, to the river and to the sea. All the area was dressed for the celebration of the Sea. And the weather was perfect, in connection with the mood.

The opening of the Conference was made by the swedish Minister of Infrastructure, Catharina Svard and the Mayor of Gotemborg Gert-Ing Andersson before the keynote speach of Maria Darmanaki, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
Mr Koji Sekimizu, Secretary General of International Maritime Organization did a very important comunication and mentioned  his     visit to the place where this conference tooks place, twenty years ago, where the important shipyards of Gotemborg were a very important industrial reallity.

Nowadays, all that area is a residential and construction area, a sign of the changing times and economic environement.

Next step of the working day, was the official signature of the European Social Partners Agreement on the ILO Convention 188, between the EU authorities , the Trans
Ort Workers Federation and the Sea Fisheries Sector.
Most of this first day of the Conference was dedicated to the Plenary Sessions which concerned Marine and maritime innovation in Europe, Sustainable use of healthy seas, a very interesting presentation by a investigator from a spanish developmemt company leading with farmacos coming from the sea. Also, some interesting subjects in this Plenary Session like Renewable marine energy and infrastructures, Innovation solutions for sustainable transport in sea and  the Regional strategies as a path to sustainability and economic grouth.
There were different parallel sessions, during the afternoon. I have chosen the one that covered the Maritime Surveillance and the use of more knowledge and technology as a way to cut costs.
Less costs and more efficiency in the maritime surveillance, something that is possible by the working together of 14 countries in the past two years. This cooperation has given to all of those eurpean countries a more efficient maritime surveillance of their seas, basec on cooperation across borders and across sectors with the project BlueMassMed.

On the second day of the Conference, oriented to the Stakeholder, the opening speach was from Mr Lowri Evans, Director General of DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the EU.
During this second day we discussed the new opportunities for blue growth and innovation and the value of the regional and national maritimeclusters in the EU.
I have to mention that the Presdient of the Committee of the Regions had planned to make a comunication about this subject but, has she couldn' t be present, has delegate her speach to a Member of the CdR who, briefly took the floor amd adressed to the audience a nice comunication.

For my last participation in the parallel sessions, I have choosen the one that discussed the general objective to improve the dialogue between maritime policy actors to better pool the common maritime  interests of the Baltic Sea region in the future and to further improve transparency and effectiveness of the architecture of the Baltic Sea cooperation as a whole.
Improving synergies and cooperation for better governance, join activities, tools and projects, better iSe of available ressources and increasing visibility of the maritime part of the EUSBSR.
I have to mention the important participation of theCouncil of Baltic Sea States, Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conferenceand Baltic Sea Forum and HELCOM.

Commissioner Maria Darmanaki

One of the subjects hardly discussed was the EU fisheries reform.
The main points I have keep in my mind are:

The new common Fisheries Policy (CFP)  must require EU countries to reduce exploitation rates to allow the long term recovery of stocks  to levels  that can sustain catches without risking further depletion.                                                                  

The  new CFP grant priority access  to  fishing  to  those fishermen who have the least  impact  on the environment and add the most value to local fishing communities.

Eu countries must be required to provide information on the size and impact of their fishing fleets in relation to the health of the stocks they fish.

EU countries must be required to reduce overall fishing capacity to a level that is aligned with a sustainable rate of fishing.

The new  CFP and its funding instruments must secure compliance with the above provisions.  

sábado, 12 de maio de 2012

CF "Os Belenenses" - Época de 2011/2012

Para comemorar o final da época de futebol e as últimas excelentes exibições do meu
Clube, estive no treino desta manhã  e aproveitei para  fazer uma fotografia  com a
minha Equipa do Coração, o CF "Os Belenenses".
Tenho pena de não poder estar presente no último jogo do Campeonato, amanhã, dia 13 de Maio, mas
terei que viajar para Copenhague  logo pela manhã.

A Equipa

Miguel Rosa, um  lutador que honra a camisola que veste

Fernando Ferreira, um viseense como eu

Coelho, um brilhante guarda redes
que nos deu muitos pontos neste campeonato.

terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2012

É fabulosa a aterragem em Akureyri. Um pequeno aeroporto onde só aterram voos internos,
em pequenos aviões a hélice, um voo entre Reikjavik e aquela cidade Capital do Norte
da Islandia, sempre a sobrevoar os antigos glaciares,  corredores de gelo e neves
que permanecem todo o ano, cortados
por inumeros rios e ribeiros rápidos onde o salmão dá os seus saltos caracteristicos.Aeroporto de Akureyri

Akureyri é uma pequena cidade muito agradável
e onde a paisagem envolvente  faz sempre lembar as melhores imagens que guardamos na memória das
famosas caixas de chocolates Suiços. Mas reais, aqui.

A  extensões imensas de lava, por vezes com relevos altos e a formar imagens  curiosas onde cada um adivinha a forma  que lhe vem á ideia - houve quem dissesse ter visto a imagem do  cão, do coelho e até do Avô ! - tornam um passeio pelo meio destas formações de lava uma experiência forte e fantástica.
Norte da Islandia

Blue Lagoon
A  cerca  de  30 kms de Reikjavik  fica uma zona de energia geotermica, uma central e campos vastos com água que vai dos 40º   aos 80º  e  aos 120º  centigrados.

A Blue Lagoon  está  preparada  para  banhos com temperatiras que começam nos 40º e é muito recomendavel para descanso  e  para fins medicinais.  Problemas de pele, rejuvenescimento dos tecidos, equezemas, estão claramente comprovados os efeitos benéficos e quase imediatos.
Blue Lagoon,  água a mais de 40º

Uma vasta zona de Lava
Na Islandia damo-nos conta com muita frequência que estamos a pisar terra  muito mais
jovem que nós ou terra  que  dentro  de  muito  pouco tempo ali não permanecerá !
Um  verdadeiro hino ás Forças da Natureza, sejam elas quais forem e possam dar pelo nome que convenhamos dar-lhes.

Fim de dia ,  23.30 horas !!!!

segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2012

Comité Economico da EFTA reuniu em Akureyri, na Islandia

Há  20 anos, exactamente no dia 2 de Maio de 1992, foi assinado 
na cidade do Porto o Acordo de comércio entre  a Noruega, a Islandia 
e o Liechenstein.
Agora, vinte anos depois, em Akureyri, na Islandia, na reunião dos comités economicos da EFTA,  EU e EEA, foi a Acordo revisto e foram dados novos passos com aqueles paises no sentido da efectiva 
colaboração e cooperação comercial.

O facto é tanto mais importante quanto é sabido que devido á crise generalizada que afecta práticamente todos os Paises, há sintomas do acentuar de tendências proteccionistas ás quais este mecanismo e outros 
que sejam criados poderá dar uma resposta salutar.

A Universidade de Akureyri  acolheu algumas reuniões de trabalho da EFTA e da EEA,
tendo-nos sido  dado o previlégio de escutar lições e dissertações de reputados Professores de Economia
da Islandia, muitas sobre a resposta islandesa á crise.

Perdeu-se uma voz portuguesa na UE, perdi um Amigo de muitas viagens a caminho de Bruxelas. Perdeu-se, sobretudo, um Homem de Princípios, de Valores, Solidário, Honesto e Democrata

Em homenagem ao 25 de Abril, estive na Associação AA25 com os Capitães de Abril e senti-me muito honrado.